Real Review No. 14
Real Review No. 14
2023 / Uk
Real Review is “what it means to live today”. Real Review assesses contemporary culture. Real Review looks backwards to look forwards. Real Review appears timely and timeless. Real Review interrogates the current mood. Real Review deconstructs everyday norms. Real Review reviews reality.
We spend almost a third of our lives connected to the internet, in a space-time of total internal reflection. Online lacks any randomness or chance; and this illusion of fate and order is at odds with the actual structure of the universe. Online we are not social beings but commodified identities; immersed in diluted ideas, weak connections and fleeting emotional states that neither originate within us, nor belong to us. We are possessed by the internet, and so dispossessed of life.
English, published quarterly
104 pages, 6/12 x 16 cm, Softback