Real Review No. 13
Real Review No. 13
2022 / Uk
Real Review is “what it means to live today”. Real Review assesses contemporary culture. Real Review looks backwards to look forwards. Real Review appears timely and timeless. Real Review interrogates the current mood. Real Review deconstructs everyday norms. Real Review reviews reality.
All times appear equally and at once. The past no longer recedes in an orderly way, but threatens to resurface at any moment in the guise of the contemporary. Nostalgia cycles are getting faster. Old material artefacts return as integral components of current trends. The future is no longer desirable or unforeseen. The contemporary is a mess of memetic references, where relevance is more valued than newness. Simultaneously, the chaos of our epoch masks a vast project of algorithmic derisking to make tomorrow identical to today: who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.
English, published quarterly
104 pages, 6/12 x 16 cm, Softback