Fukt No. 21

Fukt No. 21


2023 / Germany

Fukt Magazine is a Berlin based independent and award-winning magazine for contemporary drawing founded by Björn Hegardt in 1999. It is renowned for its editorial, its unique selection of contemporary drawing positions, and its playful design. In 2019 it was an Independent Magazines Wood Pencil Winners at D&AD Awards. Art direction by Ariane Spanier.

FUKT #21—The Unknown Issue

FUKT Issue #21 returns for another issue to venture into the realms of the Unknown. Featuring drawings by 29 contemporary artists from 18 countries around the world, we explore the uncertainties that inundate our everyday lives, the mysteries that are lurking in the shadows, and the vast potential of life beyond our own universe. The unknown encompasses us, concealed in the past, present, and future - veiled behind the facades of cities and within the depths of our own minds. The question of tomorrow brings both anticipation and a hint of nervousness as we navigate this ever-changing world. In this new edition, we delve into unfamiliar territories and the queries they raise. Our goal is not to shed light on the unknown but rather to blur the lines even further between what we believe we know and what we can imagine.

English, published annually
224 pages, 23 × 17 cm, softback

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