The Plant No. 9

The Plant No. 9


2018/ UK—Spain

Besides providing botanical contents in a simple, personal and cozy way, The Plant offers to plant lovers a new look on greenery by featuring the work of creative people who also love plants. It brings together photographers, illustrators, designers, musicians, writers and visual artists, both established and emerging, from all over the world, to share with The Plant their perceptions and experiences around plants.

Issue 9—It features a beautiful illustrated monograph dedicated to the Geranium and as the cover itself says, the magazine is nothing less than a curious observer of ordinary plants and other greenery. Among the contents: "A tale of women's strength" by Marta Bahillo; painting by Brian Kanagaki; ice-creams recipes from La Grotta Ices; "Star of the sea" by Annick Weber; a conversation with Burle Marx, and photography by Yoshinori Mizutani and Mark Borthwick.

English, published biannually
160 pages, softback

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