Fukt No. 20

Fukt No. 20
2022 / Germany
Fukt Magazine is a Berlin based independent and award-winning magazine for contemporary drawing founded by Björn Hegardt in 1999. It is renowned for its editorial, its unique selection of contemporary drawing positions, and its playful design. In 2019 it was an Independent Magazines Wood Pencil Winners at D&AD Awards. Art direction by Ariane Spanier.
FUKT #20—The Faces Issue
The issue explores and celebrates the human face. Featuring drawings by 34 contemporary artists, we delve into the world of portraiture and the face in contemporary art. Inside the magazine, you’ll discover a range of perspectives and topics, from face blindness to facial recognition – a selection of drawing positions that have a unique take on the face. The cover comes in variations of 24 different printed faces*, all of which have a tear-off cover revealing an empty face template on which you can draw any face you want. The magazine board says: ”You can scribble, draw a portrait, simple or elaborate, anything is possible. We would love to see the faces you draw, so don’t hesitate to upload them to social media, tag us @fukt_magazine and we will feature them in our story, or email us a photo of the cover with your drawing.”
*Magazine cover varies and articular cover cannot be specified for order.
English, published annually
224 pages, 23 × 17 cm, softback